This is a site of the personal artwork, as opposed to the professional design portfolio, of illustrator/graphic designer Adam Halon, who will stop awkwardly writing in the third person right now.
This dude came charging down my block trying to start a revolution. “Holler if you can here me!” And I instantly became a fan.
?”x17” ink on scrap bristol
Mi boricua favorita.
15”x11” in watercolor and ink.
Don't Try, Couch Wolf. Don’t try.
17”x14” ink on bristol board.
I saw your picture…
11”x15” watercolor and ink.
I see this random homeless-y dude around Logan Square all the time. He seems to have the knowing of great many things and enjoys drinking Four Loko in a long black trench coat.
14”x17” ink on bristol.
You would hate this. But you look nice just lipping a square.
13”x11” ink on bristol.
When I was fun-employed (best summer of my life), I spent a lot of time doing pretty much nothing, just enjoying not having to deal with corporate America. I watched a lot of WGN news; I have a crush on Lourdes Duarte.
14”x17” ink on bristol.
I really can’t bring myself to ever do a straight up landscape again. The sprinkler miraculously grew grass in what seemed like days under the watchful eyes of his assistants.
14”x17” pastel on bristol.
This is a “dogscape”, because I have an aversion to landscapes. This started as a loose sketch, and I suddenly got kinda interested in it.
14”x17” charcoal/pastel on bristol
This giant crow just showed up on my block one day, started running shit and swooping around. I named him “Pimpswaggle.”
15”x11” water color and ink.
What can I say, I fucking like sharks. How is there an animal that just looks like a missle? Jaws is my favorite movie.
5”x5” acrylic on canvas.
It’s a funny story.
5”x5” acrylic on canvas.
I was reading this book about the history of Cannonball and…
14”x17” ink on bristol.
I feel like this painting of my workaholic dad just stares at me, watching me be lazy and judging me.
16”x20” acrylic on canvas.
BILLLEEMACHONEMUSTANGITSOFASSST. I for some reason latched onto the fact that my friend's now frail, old father was once young, cool, hip and had a Mach 1 Mustang. Is that a good enough reason to draw something?
This the pencil drawing that became the Halonfest 2017 poster. It features my 3 favorite people, hint: one of them is me ;). Also featured is Fat J’s ‘56 Chevy truxk, Little Red, and “the Snake.“
14”x17” pencil on bristol.
I’ve also included some of the past posters. I used to do these digitally, but I really prefer doing them on paper now.
An octopus is strange looking animal…maybe not as strange as my childhood dog, Junior, with his crooked face and talking, evil tooth named “Craig” tied to a fish tail. This is an old thing that I started a year or two ago and abandon. Originally, I was going to a series of his head on different things that told a story of his inability to be stopped. I’ve since lost interest that idea, because I’m a flake.
14”x17” pencil on bristol.
My brother and I just realized that my dad has the tendencies of a robot. He relates to machines, not people, thinks about everything from an efficiency stand point and stifles most emotions. The robot likes cigars; long uninteresting, over-analyzed explanations; thinking of the worst thing that could happen and hamburgers. Sometimes he'll throw an ottoman, have a heart attack, eat pizza at a forbidden spot or roast his sons at a comedy set.
I have to sit in a certain spot on my couch, have (spill) coffee and hold the pen in a certain awkward way to draw these.